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Naphcon A (Naphazoline/Pheniramine Maleate - non Rx) Shopper Approved

Prescription Prescription Not Required FormationFormulation: Eye drops

Naphcon A

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Prescription Prescription Not Required FormationFormulation: Eye drops

Naphazoline/Pheniramine Maleate - non Rx

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Naphcon A is an over counter eye medication used to provide temporary relief from eye redness and itching caused by allergies such as pollen, dust, or animal dander. Naphcon-A is a combination medication that contains naphazoline hydrochloride and pheniramine maleate.

Naphazoline is a vasoconstrictor that works by narrowing the swollen blood vessels in the eye, which can cause eye redness. Pheniramine is an antihistamine that blocks the action of histamine, a substance that the body releases in response to an allergic reaction, which can cause eye itching and irritation. The combination of these two medications in Naphcon-A provides temporary relief from the symptoms of eye allergies such as itching, redness, and irritation. However, Naphcon-A is not intended for long-term use without consulting with a healthcare professional.

To properly apply Naphcon-A Eye Drops, start by washing your hands to avoid contamination. Be sure not to touch the dropper tip or let it touch any surface or your eye. Always inspect the product before using it to ensure the liquid is clear and has not changed color. If the liquid appears cloudy, do not use it. Keep the medicine out of reach of children and pets.

Use the drops up to 4 times a day in the affected eye(s), unless otherwise directed by your doctor. Tilt your head back, hold the dropper directly over the eye, and place 1 drop into the lower eyelid pocket. Close your eyes gently for 1 to 2 minutes and apply gentle pressure with a finger near the corner of the eye to prevent the medication from draining out. Avoid blinking or rubbing the eye and repeat the steps if the dose is more than 1 drop, or if both eyes are being treated.

Do not rinse the dropper and always replace the dropper cap tightly after each use to prevent contamination. If you are using other types of eye medication such as drops or ointments, wait at least 5 minutes before using Naphcon-A Eye Drops. Use eye drops before applying eye ointments to allow the drops to fully take effect.

Taking too much medication may result in increased eye redness which is due to the “rebounds” effect when the drug wears off. If this occurs, seek your doctor’s advice. Do not use this medication for more than 3 to 4 days. If there is no improvement or the condition gets worse after 72 hours, stop using this medication and seek immediate medical attention as you may have a serious medical problem.

Common Side Effects of Naphcon A (Naphazoline/pheniramine Maleate – non-Rx):

  • Changes in your vision
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Eye pain
  • Hives
  • Ongoing or worsening eye redness
  • Swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat

Serious Side Effects of Naphcon A (Naphazoline/pheniramine Maleate – non-Rx):

  • Blurred vision
  • Dilated pupils
  • Increased sensitivity to light
  • Mild burning or stinging in the eye

Naphcon A (Naphazoline/pheniramine Maleate – non-Rx) is available in the following forms and strengths:

Naphcon A: Eye drops

  • 0.025/0.3%

  • Naphcon A Eye drops may cause temporary discomfort such as burning, stinging, or redness in the eyes.
  • The eye drops should not be used for more than 72 hours without consulting a healthcare professional.
  • Naphcon A Eye drops may interact with certain medications, such as MAO inhibitors, tricyclic antidepressants, or other medications that can increase blood pressure or heart rate.
  • Naphcon A Eye drops should not be used by individuals with a history of certain medical conditions such as narrow-angle glaucoma, high blood pressure, heart disease, or diabetes without first consulting a healthcare professional.
  • Naphcon A Eye drops should not be used by individuals who are pregnant, planning to become pregnant, or breastfeeding without first consulting a healthcare professional.
  • Overuse or misuse of the medication may result in increased redness or other eye problems.
  • If you wear contact lenses, remove them before using the eye drops. Wait at least 10 minutes after using the medication before reinserting contact lenses. If your eyes are red, talk to your doctor before wearing contact lenses.

What are the active ingredients in Naphcon A?

The active ingredients in Naphcon A are naphazoline hydrochloride (0.025%) and pheniramine maleate (0.3%).

How should Naphcon A be used?

Naphcon A should be used according to the instructions on the label or as directed by a healthcare professional. Generally, it is recommended to put one or two drops in the affected eye(s) up to four times a day. It should not be used for more than 72 hours without consulting a healthcare professional.

Can Naphcon A be used while pregnant or breastfeeding?

Consult a healthcare professional before using any medication while pregnant or breastfeeding.

How many times can you use Naphcon?

Use this medication in the affected eye(s) up to 4 times a day as needed or as directed by your doctor. Tilt your head back, look upward, and pull down the lower eyelid to make a pouch. Hold the dropper directly over the eye and place 1 drop into the pouch. Look downward and gently close your eyes for 1 to 2 minutes.


Additional Information Book

Additional information

Generic name:

Naphazoline/Pheniramine Maleate – non Rx


Eye drops



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Online Pharmacies Canada has provided information from third parties intended to increase awareness and does not contain all the information about Naphcon A (Naphazoline/Pheniramine Maleate - non Rx). Talk to your doctor or other qualified medical practitioners for medical attention or advice, or if you have any concerns about Naphcon A (Naphazoline/Pheniramine Maleate - non Rx).