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Heart disease

Five Things You Can Do To Decrease Your Risk of Heart Disease

Five Things You Can Do To Decrease Your Risk of Heart Disease

Every year, approximately two hundred and fifty thousand people die from a heart attack or heart disease, before they even reach the hospital. If any of your family or friends has ever had a heart attack, you’ve seen the drastic impact that it can have not only on their own life, but also in the lives of those around them. Heart disease and the risk of having a heart attack is easily attributed to certain factors, all which can be readily changed with a few lifestyle adjustments.

Five Things You Can Do To Decrease Your Risk of Heart Disease:

  1. Manage your blood pressure – Researchers estimate that having high blood pressure doubles your risk of having a stroke. High blood pressure can easily be managed by taking medication and implementing exercise routines and a healthy diet into your lifestyle. If you haven’t gone to the doctor in a while, it might be a good idea to check up on your blood pressure, as this condition rarely has any symptoms.
  2. Stop smoking – If you smoke cigarettes, you’ve likely heard this phrase many times in your life. Due to pharmaceutical development and new methodology, it’s easier to quit smoking today than it was ten years ago. There are several different methods to quit smoking – medication that doesn’t contain nicotine is available, in addition to lots of new methods and support groups.
  3. Work off the beer belly – Researchers have attributed a significant amount of risk with abdominal obesity, so it might be a wise idea to try and work off those few extra pounds. Try exercise, or talk to your doctor about a weight loss medication.
  4. Eat healthy – Having a healthy diet will benefit you in ways you never imagined were possible – you’ll have more energy, less weight gain, lower cholesterol, and more happiness!
  5. Increase you physical activity – If you aren’t currently physically active, don’t worry – I’m not recommending that you run a marathon. You can easily incorporate exercise into your life by walking your dog around the block or walking to the local convenience store for whatever’s missing in your refrigerator. If you’re serious about getting back into shape, you may want to consider attending a boot camp or seeing a personal trainer, it’ll help you to stay accountable and ensure that you aren’t going at it alone.

Unfortunately, heart disease has become a rather common condition that almost anyone can develop. If you are concerned or have any questions about heart attacks and heart disease, contact your healthcare provider for more information.

Information provided on this website is for general purposes only. It is not intended to take the place of advice from your practitioner