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Category: stress

4 Easy Ways to Eliminate Stress

Stress eats away at you and makes you feel your life is full of irreversible, important problems. The majority of illnesses are stress related. Stress is related to high blood pressure, hair loss, depression, memory loss, stroke, weight gain, cancer, and…

Ways to boost your Metabolism

Ways to boost your Metabolism

Your metabolism can help you burn more fat while you’re working out and will help you meet your weight loss goals. However, many people don’t understand that certain activities can help increase your body’s metabolic rate while others can actually…

Music Has The Power To Move You… And A Lot More!

Music Has The Power To Move You… And A Lot More!

Most people enjoy listening to music. There are so many different types of music out there to choose from, such as rock music, metal, rap, R&B, pop…etc. And when people say that music has the power to move us they’re…

3 Ways To Reduce Anxiety Without Medication

3 Ways To Reduce Anxiety Without Medication

For most people the occasional panic attack or rush of anxiety happens. Many times at the most inopportune moment, like right before an interview for that new job you want, or maybe right as you’re walking up to that one…