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Canadian Pharmacy Reviews

Genuine Canadian Pharmacy Reviews

Online Pharmacies Canada is a CIPA approved Canadian online pharmacy. Recently Online Pharmacies Canada was also approved by buySAFE. This certificate also includes buySAFE’s 3-in-1 guarantee which protects against identity theft, ensures a lowest price guarantee, and guarantees your purchase. Online Pharmacies Canada offers our customers a safe and secure shopping experience.

Online Pharmacies Canada now offers RatePoint, a third party site offering customer reviews. The RatePoint tab, found on the left side of the page, allows customers to contribute by writing reviews and testimonials about their personal experiences with Online Pharmacies Canada.

With so many fraudulent online pharmacies, customer reviews are important on ensuring users of the company’s reputation. Some companies create themselves positive reviews to increase the trust of potential customers. In some cases the negative reviews are also not written by real customers, but actually by competitors. These false pharmacy ratings can influence a pharmacy’s reputation and give customers a false image of the company.

Online Pharmacies Canada initiated the use of RatePoint on our site to ensure customers that all the pharmacy reviews on the site are legitimate customer reviews. The reviews are collected through the software of RatePoint which does not allow Online Pharmacies Canada to alter them. This keeps the Canadian pharmacy reviews on Online Pharmacies Canada 100 percent authentic.

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