Artificial Pancreas to Better Manage Diabetes
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Artificial Pancreas to Better Manage Diabetes
Ever wondered how your car’s GPS system works and shoots you directions to reach your destination? Twenty-four active satellites orbit the earth, relaying signals to track your car’s location and plan directions for you. Ranging from route suggestions to avoid traffic jams to indicating a gas station with Starbucks up ahead, a GPS system does it all except drive your car for you. Similar to how a GPS tracks down your car’s location and lays out a roadmap based on it, health scientists have discovered a smart way to control insulin levels in diabetic patients.
Current Dilemma of Diabetic Patients
The inefficiency of the normal pancreas in producing enough insulin to prevent high glucose levels is a trait of patients suffering from Type 1 diabetes. If uncontrolled, these patients can suffer from blindness, kidney failure or hypoglycemia in the long run. Traditional treatments include small insulin pumps that deliver the required amount of insulin to the body or insulin injections every now and then.
These conventional systems are, however, not smart enough. You have to constantly monitor your blood sugar level at least four times a day and make adjustments to the dosage based on your food intake and exercise regimen. Moreover, about two-thirds of patients do not achieve the target insulin levels with the current procedures. (Dr. Rabasa-Lhoret, IRCM)
An Intelligent Solution For Type 1 Diabetic Patients
According to Canadian researchers at the Institut de Recherches Cliniques de Montreal, a dual-hormone artificial pancreas is under trail which shows improved glucose levels and lower risks of hypoglycemia. This artificial pancreas is based on a smart algorithm similar to a GPS system which automatically administers the insulin dose based on actual levels in the blood stream.
Dr. Rémi Rabasa-Lhoret of IRCM leads the innovation which simulates a healthy pancreas and adjusts insulin delivery rates accordingly. A staggering 8-fold reduction of the overall risk of hypoglycemia and a 20-fold reduction of the risk of nocturnal hypoglycemia is noted. The artificial pancreas thus eliminates the need for constantly checking and adjusting output as is the case with an insulin pumps.
Future of Artificial Pancreas
Thanks to artificial pancreas, diabetic patients no longer have to deal with the frustrations from conventional methods. They can now live normal lives with a ‘simulated’ healthy pancreas that has complete control over the body’s glucose levels.
Canadian health scientists plan to incorporate the smart algorithm into a smartphone! That’s right. This would mean that the pump would be wirelessly controlled and administer proper doses without any sort of intervention by the patient. For those suffering from type 1 diabetes, the closed-loop delivery system shows immense potential in improving the management of diabetes and the safety of patients on a sustainable level.
Thanks to Canadian scientists, if you are suffering with diabetes, now you have an easier way to manage your insulin. Look forward to a safe insulin management through your smartphone in the near future.
12 Ways to Live Longer: The Things You Didn’t Know
We all want to live long, healthy and happy lives. With the arrival of spring reminding us of just how quickly time flies; it’s crucial to get a head start on Father Time.
But did you know that there are actually ways to slow the aging process? According to scientists, during the aging process our chromosomes (telomeres) become shorter. This is why we are more susceptible to disease and illness.
However, a new study has revealed that individuals that made healthy lifestyle changes were able to increase the length of their telomeres and slow down the aging process.
To help you make some healthy lifestyle changes, here are our top 12 ways to live longer:
#1. Lead an examined life. According to authors Michael Soupios and Panos Mourdoukoutas, a life that is examined and engaged equals a longer and happier life.
#2. Act conscientiously. Researchers found that conscientiousness is associated with making better health and wellbeing decisions.
#3. Stand up while you’re talking. It sounds strange, but if you stand up while you’re talking, you will boost the amount of oxygen-rich blood that reaches your brain. You’ll also stretch out your muscles and automatically breathe deeply, which instinctively settles your stress response.
#4. See the glass as half-full. Great news for the optimists – they live longer and experience healthier lives than pessimists.
#5. Be careful of the friends you choose. Research has shown that your friend’s habits are ‘contagious’, which means if they make poor health and wellbeing decisions you run the risk of ‘catching’ those decisions.
#6. Take a nap. People who take a nap are 37 percent less likely to develop heart disease.
#7. Replace your toothbrush. Your toothbrush can be the stomping ground for viruses and bugs, so replace your brush every three months to prevent against colds, gingivitis and infections.
#8. Reach out. Dr. Julia Alleyne believes that touch can boost the immune system and reduce heart disease.
#9. Giggle often. The experts say that laughing restores body cells, reduces stress, improves immunity and improves your pain threshold.
#10. Get, or stay, married. A variety of studies show that married people live longer than those who are single.
#11. Let go. Releasing chronic negative emotions such as anger has been connected to reduced blood pressure and lowered anxiety levels.
#12. Get a hobby. A sense of purpose has been linked to a longer life and a decreased risk of Alzheimer’s disease.
Adjusting your lifestyle so it is happy, healthy and pleasurable doesn’t have to be hard. In fact, why not start off by making some small changes this spring and increase your life expectancy come summer!
Information provided on this website is for general purposes only. It is not intended to take the place of advice from your practitioner