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Back To School For Swine Flu

Back To School For Swine Flu

After the initial scare of H1N1, or Swine flu as it is more commonly known, we all breathed a sigh of relief. However, now with schools opening again, it may be time, once again, to start worrying, at least a little bit.

The virus survived over the entire length of the summer, with no signs that the heat even bothered it. With kids coming back to schools H1N1 might have just found its new breeding ground. Many schools are taking the initiative to prevent a Swine flu outbreak before it occurs, not trying to contain it after it spreads. Kudos to the school’s.

However, there is some potentially good, and bad news. I’ll start with the bad. If the virus mutates like some suspect it will, then many of our children, and even children across the globe, are in great danger come this fall. The good news is, if the disease doesn’t mutate which could be the outcome, then our kids may only face a minimal risk.

Studies suggest that the Swine flu virus may not need to mutate. In a test where both Swine flu and another virus were injected, Swine flu destroyed the other virus instead of merging with it. This could suggest that Swine flu feels superior and genetically does not need to mutate, at least not yet.

Here’s hoping that Swine flu will stay the way it is right now.

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