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Protect Your Skin and Face

Protect Your Skin and Face

Legislation Threatens All Non-U.S based Online Pharmacies

Planning to purchase medication from a reputable internationally sourced pharmacy? Well think again. Misguided efforts by Congress and officials in the White House during the past two years could jeopardize Americans’ ability to order medications online, even from trusted and reputable sources such as Online Pharmacies Canada. Currently, there are two looming threats that could potentially obstruct Americans’ ability to afford safe, imported, prescription drugs.

Legislation Threatens All Non-U.S based Online Pharmacies

The first threat comes directly from the White House, which in December 2010 announced the administration’s plans to completely shut down online pharmacy sites by “encouraging” Internet service providers, credit card companies, and search engines to cut off American’s access to them.

It has been portrayed that internationally sourced medicines are unsafe. While we agree that drug safety is crucial and that rogue pharmacies should be dealt with harshly but, it is unfair for legitimate online pharmacies to be punished.

The second threat posed by pending legislation on Capitol Hill that is known as the Preventing Real Online Threats to Economic Creativity and Theft of Intellectual Property Act of 2011 (Protect IP Act). The Protect IP Act will replace last year’s Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act (COICA). COICA would have created a blacklist of pharmacy websites for companies such as Google, Visa, MasterCard, PayPal and Network Solutions. This legislation has taken things even further by categorizing all non-U.S. based online pharmacies as a risk to public health and thereby preventing the purchase of medication from international pharmacies. If the Protect IP Act is passed, will be unable to sell Canadian drugs and international medications to Americans.

Fortunately, you can help to prevent this from happening. We are asking for everyone’s assistance immediately. RxRights, is a growing coalition of individuals and organizations that are dedicated to protecting and preserving Americans’ access to safe, affordable medications. Notify your elected officials today and let them know that you want and need continued access to affordable medications from safe, licensed online pharmacies. For more information, please visit

4 Tips To Prevent Acne

4 Tips To Prevent Acne

With such a large focus on perfect skin these days, everyone wants to know what they should do to get flawless skin. One of the best ways to achieve great skin is being proactive about acne prevention. Here are some tips to help you keep acne at bay.

  • Never buy acne products based on a friend’s recommendation:
    Acne is caused due to a hormone imbalance within yourself which is why it’s important to find acne products that are ‘custom fitted’ to your skin. Your skin could be completely different to your friend’s and the cause of both your acne could be at opposite ends of the earth. It’s important to go to a dermatologist to find out what medications will work for your skin but first off, it’s important you steer clear of all the “hype” of certain acne products.

  • Never use a face towel to clean your face:
    It’s important to avoid using a face towel to clean your face. A towel tends to be abrasive on your skin while you are cleaning. The best solution to this problem is to just use your hands to clean your face however, wash your hands with antibacterial soap before doing so.
  • Never dehydrate your skin:
    Water is an important factor in clearing up acne. It helps hydrate the skin and flushes out all the harmful toxins in your body. It is important that you drink at least 6-8 cups of water a day or eat vegetables, fruits, milk and juices because water is also found in them.
  • Avoid eating bad food groups:
    Someone great once said, “…you are what you eat,” and this remains true for when we desire beautiful, smooth and clear skin. Clear skin goes hand in hand with a well balanced diet therefore, it is important to not give into the desires of our sweet tooth or the yummy food ads we see on T.V. A clear skin diet includes a combination of vitamins, minerals, fats and proteins. All skin types are different therefore, it is important to consult a specialist to decide what type of diet works best for you.

Getting The Tan

Getting The Tan

It’s that time of year again! With warm temperatures and sunny skies, one can only want one more thing: a golden tan. The adverse effects of sun tanning such as skin cancer, burning, flaking, and other skin problems causes one to think if the golden glow is really worth it. Moreover, obtaining a tan is almost the same as obtaining a sunburn, however the “burn” occurs more gradually and isn’t as painful. Yet sunburn and a tan are both forms of skin damage. Well worry no more; there are other sunless methods of obtaining that tan.

There are many tanning lotions that one can use to obtain a tan without sunburn. These lotions gradually darken the skin, and are usually required to be applied one to three times a day. Using tanning lotions allows one to control the degree of his or her tan.

Once you have achieved desired darkness, you may stop using the lotion, and the tan will gradually fade. It is best to use less tanning lotion where skin is naturally lighter or prone to becoming darker, such as the knees, and the back of arms and legs. Also, when applying the tanning lotion, be sure to work fast. Tanning lotions are quick to make hands orange. Other sunless tanning products also come in gel, creams, and spray formulations. If you are wishing for a tan for a special event such as a wedding, you may want to consider investing in a professional spray tan. These do cost more than tanning products however the results do look more natural.

Wondering how to protect that faux tan from the sun’s harsh rays? It doesn’t become simpler than using the best sunscreen . Remember to reapply the sunscreen every two hours, and after swimming for best results. Try to stay indoors during the day, and plan outdoor activities for early morning or late afternoon to minimize exposure. Wearing long sleeved shirts and long pants can also decrease sun damage as they cover more of the body. If you acquire sunburn, applying aloe vera can soothe the burn and help it heal. For more serious burns one should consult his or her physician who can prescribe proper sunburn treatment .

Information provided on this website is for general purposes only. It is not intended to take the place of advice from your practitioner